Staff laughing and enjoying each other's company.

About Africa Foundation

For 25 years, Africa Foundation, together with committed communities and generous donors, has facilitated the socio-economic development of rural communities in Africa, and in so doing, improved the lives and livelihoods of those most in need. Africa Foundation was born out of the belief that, through effective consultation and collaboration, with legitimate local leadership in place,rural communities are empowered to enable development on a far more successful and sustainable scale.

"Ultimately conservation is about people. If you don’t have sustainable development around these (wildlife) parks, then people will have no interest in them, and the parks will not survive."

Nelson Mandela

Former President, Republic of South Africa

The work we do

Our Impact in Africa

Operating in
73 communities

Across 10
land and seascapes

Active in
6 African countries

Associated with
28 &Beyond lodges

Long-term relationships

Africa Foundation succeeds where other non-profit organizations fail because it has long-term relationships with the communities in which it works. Africa Foundation believes that successful projects require that the community be actively involved in the selection and development of the project, in the building of the project and the successful running of the project once Africa Foundation is no longer actively involved.  However innovative, projects are only sustainable if the community takes ownership of them, and this approach is what attracts and secures the support of Africa Foundation’s many loyal donors.

Direct to communities

Africa Foundation works hard to ensure that the greatest possible percentage of each contribution goes directly to the communities it supports. Because Africa Foundation builds and maintains strong, long-term relationships with these communities, it can assure its supporters that the money invested in projects is efficiently and effectively spent.

Sustainable projects

Funding needs are identified by in-depth consultation and agreement with the communities to ensure that Africa Foundation only funds projects that are sustainable by virtue of community buy-in and active involvement on an on-going basis. All Africa Foundation projects are managed on the ground by organizations that have high quality management and donor relationships, accountability, the ability to provide comprehensive feedback and a measurable and favorable impact on the community.

All of Africa Foundation (USA)’s grant-making is done entirely on an invitational basis. We do not consider unsolicited grant proposals.

Make a lasting change

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© Copyright 2021 Africa Foundation. Africa Foundation (USA) is a US 501(c)(3) Public Charity (EIN: 88-0461880).